Can I Do The Same For YOU?
Can I Help You Do Even BETTER?
Here’s Where Most Information Marketers
(Digital Publishers) Are Missing Out on
Millions of Dollars…
There’s lots of information out there.
Many times, the information actually contradicts itself. When you’re just starting, it’s easy to get lost in the “black hole” as we call it. A lot of people tend to choose a strategy and just stick to it.
They never take a moment to analyze whether it’s the optimal way of running their business or not. However, after building information businesses for over 10 years, I can firmly say that I have the most optimized system broken down into simple steps.
Not only will my changes help you scale your business by millions more, but this system will also make your life easier because it will help you automate the entire process!
Just Minor Tweaks In These Areas Can
Instantly Create Up To 300% Increase In Profits…
When I say check list, I seriously meant – check list.
Do me a favor, look at your business right now. Just look at your revenue, your profits, your traffic sources and your on-going growth. Now, imagine if you and I sat down together for just 1 day…

Here are the areas we will dive into – all within a short 8 hour session (during this time, I can guarantee you, without a doubt – a 300% increase in your business).
Product Development Strategy
Product Development Execution
Funnel Strategy & Creation
Backend Strategies & Development
Profit-Generating Launches
Attracting Top Affiliates
Joint Venture Promotions
Webinar-Based Promotions
Email Marketing
Branding & Exposure
Traffic Building & Lead Generation
Social Presence
Product Diversification
Sales & Copywriting
Conversion Optimization
Want To Create a Product Launch That
Single-Handedly Propels Your Business
& Brand Into The Next Level?
Let me level with you.
There’s a lot of mis-information in the Digital Publishing Industry about “product launches.” You have some people who say “it’s not good to get into the habit of just launching products.”
The truth is… I agree!
However, you should be conducting at least 2 product launches a year as a digital publisher. When done right, product launches can seriously propel your business into the next level.
Properly strategized, a product launch is not just about trying to create $1 Million in revenue in 10 days or less, it’s about creating a long-term strategy for your business.
My clients have literally been able to see 500% growth in their overall business, all within less than 2 weeks; all of this because they put the right strategy into place.

Here are the 5 areas that I will
personally dive into for you
You will come out of our meeting with a full plan:
1. Product Strategy
This is where we begin. What’s the right hook for your product. What separates you from the market? Also, what is the #1 way for you to deliver your product (keeping in mind back-end and future sales – this requires a full strategy)!
2. Messaging Strategy
Do you know what your specific talent is? What specific selling strategy works best with your personality? Give me 15 minutes and I can tell you with 100% assurance. We build an entire business around just that!
3. Recruitment Strategy
Relationships, relationships, relationships. There is no faster way to build a 7-figure business than to do it through recruiting relationships. I will help you attract the best partners in the Entire Industry.
4. Execution Strategy
From A to Z. You and I will work on an exact blueprint for you to follow during your launch. Just follow the steps and your launch will come together on its own!
5. Rapid Growth Strategy
Launches are just a tool. They are not the end-game. 80% of your profits should be coming from what happens AFTER the launch – this is where I create the entire back-end with you.
I believe in simple steps & blueprints.
Tested & Proven to work.
In 1 Day, we can create a custom plan just for your business!
How Does My 1-on-1 Consultation
& Coaching Work?
There are actually 3 ways to work with me. My clients have found these methods to be incredibly instrumental in their growth and business scaling.
1 Spend A Day With Me – LIVE (In Person)
This is one of my most preferred methods for providing consulting. When we are face-to-face, we just get a lot more done. You are welcome to bring your team with you as well.
There will be some exercises we ask you to go through beforehand. That way, we’ll all be better prepared for the meeting!
We will spend 8-10 hours together, dedicated to your business. Typically, I find this to be more than enough. However, if you want to book a 2nd day to get the most out of our time, we offer that as well. When my assistant contacts you, just inform her that you would like 2 days.
2 Have A Quick Question? Consultation By The Hour
Sometimes our clients just want help in a very specific area of their business. If this is the case, you may find it better to simply reserve time with me for a few hours – we can do all of this virtually!
If you are looking to simply boost a specific area of your business, I recommend going with our hourly consultation plan and upgrading yourself when ready!
3 Full Access – LIVE & Phone Coaching
This is by far our most popular plan. If you are in the process of scaling your business, conducting a product launch – we highly recommend you consider this plan. In this plan, you get to spend 2 entire days with me LIVE (in person).
We recommend these days to be spaced apart by at least 90 days.
In addition to that, for a period of 6 months, you get weekly (as needed within reasonable limits) access to me over the phone. This also allows you access to me and my team to review your business, pages, messaging, etc…
I only take a few clients a year at this level, if you’re interested, please be sure to act as fast as possible.
To start the process, just fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Someone from my team will be in touch with you and we’ll go from there!
Ready To Take Your Digital Publishing
Business To The Next Level?
The 4 Steps I Use To Maximize Your
Growth & Profits…
Taking a satellite view of your entire business to fully optimize your whole funnel, from the front end to the back end
Expanding your income through your product offerings, I’ll greatly optimize your funnels & sky-rocket the traffic to your business.
Connecting you with the right people to network and build relationships with key partners
Guiding you through building your brand to fully engage customers to stay in a lifelong orbit
Why I’m The Right Person To Help Take Your
Digital Publishing Business To The Next Level…
Over the last 13 years, I’ve contributed to over $100 Million in online information sales. I have truly been around the block. I’ve also made countless mistakes along the way. Heck, I nearly went bankrupt!
This experience has now turned into my greatest asset.
I have now helped launch well over 20 brands – each of them being 7-figure brands on the Internet. I have also worked on a wide scope of niches, from Internet Marketing to Personal Development to Finance, Weight Loss & Survival.
You name it… I’ve done it.
If you’re selling information on the Internet – I know for a fact that I can help you scale your business. I say this without a shadow of doubt!
The best part is that I have really gotten every part of my business down to a system, with data and proof. This all becomes 100% available to you as soon as you become my client!

RESULTS I’ve generated more than $100 Million in digital publishing sales for my businesses and my clients’ businesses combined. I’ve helped some of the biggest brands in the world grow their businesses.
EXPERIENCE I’ve been through it all — the wins AND the failures! Believe me, the mistakes I’ve made along the way are ingrained lessons I’ll never make again. By learning the HARD way, I can give you the step-by-step proven EASY way!
SCOPE I’ve worked hard to learn every facet of information marketing. I’ve excelled in all of them, from launching digital products to maximizing a list, to promoting it through affiliates and webinars, and beyond. I’ve done it all and I want to help you have success in these areas too!
DEPTH If I knew just a little about all things information marketing, that wouldn’t help you much. Therefore, I go deep. Every day I make time to keep learning. It’s to ensure I know the best possible practices for every single aspect of marketing online.
CONNECTIONS A lot of the time, it’s not just what you know, it’s who you know. Thankfully, I have a long list of friends and partners among the most powerful movers and shakers in the industry.
The change I can bring to your business would be significant, like night and day different.

My Consulting Services Are not
A Good Fit For You If…
1 You’re just starting out.
Your business must be established with at least a few months, or even years, in the game.
I find that the best fit clients are already generating at least $250,000 a year in revenue.
If you’re brand new to launching a digital publishing business, consider first joining our training program at Lurn.com, our Vault Coaching program, and/or one of our products: Inbox Blueprint or Publish Academy.
2 You don’t have investment capital.
The accelerated growth I can offer you would take a fair investment of time and energy on my part. Your company needs to be well funded so that we can hit the ground running. Some of my strategies will require investment in technology & marketing. I just want to make sure you’re pepared for that!
3 You aren’t ready to take action now!
I love working with action-takers. I care about results, and that’s what I expect. I’m very proud of my record of taking 6-figure businesses to 7 figures… and 7-figure businesses to 8-figures Could you be next?
While I’d love to work with everyone, I have limited time to do so. Spaces fill up quickly and I only expect to have a few openings throughout the year. So if you want one and you’re serious about taking action, put your hand up by filling out the form.
Is Working Together On Our Horizon?

if You’re Ready To Start
Personally Working with Me…
My team and I have worked with hundreds of clients. We’ve trained hundreds of thousands of students. We’re confident we have the right training tools for anyone and everyone — from beginner, to startup, to 6-, 7- and even 8-figure businesses.
If you’re in the beginning and startup stages, my products would be a great place to start.
If your business is well-established, well-funded and you’re ready to take action, then you’re in the best position to benefit from my consulting services.
My strategies, insights and actions have made my clients MILLIONS! I’ve launched brands from OBSCURITY to MARKET LEADERS.
So if you like what you see and you’re interested in working together, we want to hear from you. We want to learn more about your goals and figure out how we can help you reach them, even exceed them!
P.S. I have over 13 years of experience and have generated over $100,000,000 in online publishing sales. If you want results that will skyrocket your business, sales and profits, I have the expertise… I’d like to put my experience to work for you too!